Publication Translations

Marathi volumes : August 2000
नी: शब्दात ओलांडाना - Nishabadata Olandatana - Breaking Silence
Editor: Anjali Mulay -
Gujarati volumes : June 2001
તેજમોયી - Tejomayee - Of Those Brilliant
કલાધારી - Kaladhari - The Artist
Editor: Vinod Meghani -
Tamil volumes : July 2001
சொல்லதா கதைகல் - Solladha Kadhaigal - Untold stories
பயனப்பதா பதிகல் - Payanappadadha Padhaigal - Untravelled Roads
Ediors: A. Srinivasan, M.Sivasubramaniam -
Kannada volumes : January 2002
ಬೊಗಸಯಲ್ಲಿಶ್ತು ಬೆಲಾಕು ತುಂಬಿ - Bogaseyallishtu Belaku Tumbi - A Lamp in the Palm
ಮುಗಿಲುಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ಯೇತಕಿಸಿ - Mugilumalligeya Yetakisi - Reaching The Sky
Editors: Tulasi Venugopal, Mitra Venkatraj, Ha. Ma. Kanaka -
Kannada volumes : January 2002
ಬೊಗಸಯಲ್ಲಿಶ್ತು ಬೆಲಾಕು ತುಂಬಿ - Bogaseyallishtu Belaku Tumbi - A Lamp in the Palm
ಮುಗಿಲುಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ಯೇತಕಿಸಿ - Mugilumalligeya Yetakisi - Reaching The Sky Editors: Srilekha Bose, Shampa Bhattacharya -
Bengali volumes : March 2002
না বালা কাহিনী - Na Bala Kahini - Stories Not Told
শ্রুতিসুখের উলহেস - Shrushtisukher Ulhase - The Joy of Creation
Editors: Srilekha Bose, Shampa Bhattacharya -
Telugu Volumes : March 2003
అలజడి మా జీవితం - Alajadi Ma Jeevitham - Life is Turbulence
జీవితమే ఓకా ప్రయాగం - Jeevithame Oka Prayogam - Life is an Experiment
Editor: Volga -
Hindi volumes : March 2003
दहलीज को लांघते हुए - Dahleej ko laanghate hue - Crossing the Threshold
पंखों की उडन - Pankhon Ki Udaan - Spreading the Wings
Editor: Sudha Arora